A Human Future, Topics of Interest

How to avoid the current global buildup of arms. We can feed the worlds hungry and more. Current active competition to develop a space elevator. Wernher Von Braun on the Mission to Mars.

Location: Canada

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Climate Change Choices

Perhaps a reasonable position on global warming might cement the positive impact of a global mag lift system.There is no doubt that climate change will have a very negative effect. The mean temperature of the Earth has remained relatively the same for almost a decade meaning the climate change we are currently experiencing is a decade old reaction. As more ice melts more heat will be retained so this alone will restart the heating process that has remained dormant while climate change plays catch up.
The progression of GHG has been documented in an assessment of how much methane will be released through a further warming related to polar ice melt.The GHG rating of methane is 20 times higher than carbon dioxide. The magnitude of change under any scenario is so immense that turning out a few lights or even shutting down our coal fired gen station could be compared to removing a bucket of water from Lake Ontario.To be realist, and serious, we would have to shut down the worlds complete economic activity to a point that would as one poster noted, a population adjustment would occur. Dream about Kyoto or Canada organizing Asia Pacific countries to act together, it won`t be near enough to compete with even arctic methane release. All this at a cost of a `population adjustment` (downward) to say nothing of the new harbour called the Fraser Valley.
We have two main choices, do nothing or trade a population adustment to slow climate change down.
Is it just me running out of sugar coating or is it the case we all work together or all go to Hell together?Figuratively speaking of course but I don`t doubt many grand children and on will wish that`s were we went.

I`ve created enough threads for comments on the topics of interest so I`ll end this stream with, it`s only $50m.

The concept. ""Individual Vehicle"" magnetic lift, magnetic propulsion transportation system.

We need to completely replace our current transportation system with an `individual vehicle maglev system`. The first consideration would be the worse case scenario of running out of oil in 20 years, best case 50 years. No fuel, no transportation, no chemicals, no medications.


Journal of American Medical Association.

JAMA. 2007

Peak Petroleum and Public Health

Mass transit is not versatile enough to replace individual vehicles, even converting over to electric cars won`t solve traffic and transportation problems but will cause an expansion in our already troubled paved road system.
A global mag transportation system has all the checks in the right boxes. It`s time for the two sides to think out of the box and pool the $50m needed to start a global competition with Cdn universities.Yes individual vehicle is still a working concept while the 65t train is a protype (links below) but we need to ramp up the effort with a global design competition. It`s really the only hope for climate change, and likely humanities future.
The current technology can and has been improved. A US company recently announced they had increased the efficiency of solar panels by 50%. Newer versions are flexible and could be a power generating cover.
Universities are the places to put new technology into design features.
It will create more jobs than workers, 0 emissions, far fewer paved roads, no gridlock, high speed, 300+ kph and theoretically could replace our aging electric transmission grids and of course cutting commute times by 75%. At speed a single rail or transportation tube, TT, will move as many vehicles as a 6 lane freeway while reversing urban pollution that`s causing a health care crisis starting with the increasing asthma epidemic.
A basic fee plus distance charges in the form of a toll creates a viable and sustainable driver of the global economy, vs armaments, hmmm, see thread `War as an Investment`


Starting with, good or bad news?


Experts Discuss Engineering Feats, Like Space Mirrors, to Slow Climate Change
Dr. Keith, an organizer of the conference, said that at one time he thought scientists should not talk in public about "geoengineering" remedies for global warming — like injecting chemicals into the upper atmosphere to cool the poles
"Will there be some consequences you don’t like?" Dr. Keith said in an interview. "Of course."
engineering a cooler earth would do nothing for other climate-related problems, like the way accumulating carbon is making the oceans more acidic.

Hopeful news



August 01, 2006

Dualmode maglev cars will be physically independent, separately owned, separately powered, and will go their separate ways, just as vehicles on our highways do.

Maglev Quicklinks



Professor Peter Peumans of Stanford University, whohas reviewed the U of T team’s research"Our calculations show that, with further improvementsin efficiency, combining infrared and visiblephotovoltaics could allow up to 30 per cent of thesun’s radiant energy to be harnessed, compared to six per cent in today’s best plastic solar cells."
The power solutions to a mag lift transportationsystem may be closer than we think.
Train magnetic levitation and propulsion


Personal Automated Transport (PAT)





Different designs have been created, each having their own pros and cons.


Technical information


Super conductor maglev experiment




Magnetic levitation transport, or maglev, is a form of transportation that suspends, guides and propels vehicles (especially trains) using electromagnetic force. This method can be faster than wheeled mass transit systems, potentially reaching velocities comparable to turboprop and jet aircraft (900 km/h, 600 mph ). The highest recorded speed of a maglev train is 581 km/h (361 mph), achieved in Japan in 2003, which is 4 mph more than the conventional TGV speed record.


New Train Speed Record
Updated: 13:55, Monday November 17, 2003
A Japanese train broke its own world speed record when engineers sent it hurtling 347mph down a test track west of Tokyo.

It`s only $50m to put the brightest in the land to work, time is not exactly on humanities side.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wernher Von Braun, Mission to Mars

The Russian attempt seems to be well ahead but some experts doubt if they can do it alone. Most feel it should be a global effort but is that all we want to do, get there?
Wernher Von Braun suggested a large ship carrying a very large crew. Given the conditions on Mars that are even more evident today then his time it would seem a base to work from is very reasonable.
Eventually off world mining and sustainable bases on other worlds will become a necessity even if it`s not essential to just getting to Mars and back.
It would also seem reasonable that if Russia wants to pursue it`s mission it should get the help and support of the rest of the world while at the same time the rest of the world and Russia can focus on what we`ll need next, a large work station. Sustainable life moving farther out into the solar system.
Eventually when we go beyond the solar system in 500 years or more these large work station will be the key over very high speed. It would seem to be more productive to be developing a work station to Mars in conjunction with the first manned mission, together.
First in space, first on the Moon. The number of people that know the answers diminish every year. International law dictates that to annex territory you must occupy it. It hardly seems important who gets there first compared to who occupies it. Certainly Russia is as capable as any to get there, even first, but if all the effort is a race we`ll probably run out of resources and commit to global conflict before we turn the program from a race to occupation.
Participation in a global effort to put large numbers of people and supplies in orbit around Mars should have priority over winning the race.
Perhaps the space elevator (probably to much surface wind) or reliable lifters servicing a surface station might be available by then. Once in place Russian unmanned cargo ships based on their current design would have an even bigger future role than winning the race.

The future of moving freight on and off planet.


University of Saskatchewan Makes First Attempt in Spaceward Games Finals

UBC Fails to Win Power Beaming Climbing Prize but Climbs Ribbon

Feeding The Worlds Hungry

This is such an easy thing to do the only reason I can think it hasn`t been done is the lack of jobs for a healthy global population. If we want to present an option to war as in a mag TT system then we`ll need a lot of healthy workers.

There are roughly 1 billion people that live on a dollar a day or less. Current global agriculture subsides run at close to $400b/year. I am not suggesting using subsidies to buy food for the hungry although it has merit.
If a 10th of 1% of the global economy were diverted to buy food prices for global producers would strengthen to the point where subsidies would no longer be necessary. Most global transactions pass through an institution. Each institution retains and diverts .1% of every transaction without any need to retain any other information and drop it into a global food fund. It will have no impact on inflation and once the alternative to war proceeds up to .5% could be diverted for heath and education. A workforce big enough, healthy enough and trained to put this project on the rail.

War as a Business

Not a shocking thing to say when you analyze any well documented war from it`s buildup to it`s end.
Common in all wars and particular to the next big one the prominent result of buildup to fighting a war has a common thread. War creates jobs, these jobs create consumers who consume everything from bullets to body bags.

The confluence of forces for the next global conflict are in place and the shear amount of investment money looking for a viable investment will drive it to conclusion.
The alternative is to create enough jobs through a viable investment of a sustainable nature.
We can not only equal the number of jobs a world war would create but as war is inherently unsustainable we only need to apply sustainable to the formula of jobs.

This would entail a global project capable of creating at least as many jobs as workers worldwide and of a sustainable nature. This comes in the form of a 0 emission global transportation system.
The potential to create more jobs than workers means we have to feed the worlds hungry which I`ll get into the how on a later thread.

This thread is about an individual vehicle magnetic lift, magnetic propulsion, transportation system.
It will create more jobs than workers, 0 emissions, fewer paved roads, no gridlock, high speed, 300+ kph and theoretically could replace our aging electric transmission grids and of course cutting commute times by 75%.
At speed a single rail will move as many vehicles as a 6 lane freeway.
Step one is a global university competition for the best design. Canada could start it off with $50m for our universities while that would encourage more and more countries to join in.
These are the kinds of things we expect from government and if I had $50m I`d give it to myself to get this started.

War as an Investment

There is a phenomenal amount of money globally. The `credit crunch` we`ve been hearing about is actually the consumer drowning in debt. This is not just in the US but affecting EU countries and even Canada with the $40b bailout required by Asset Backed Commercial Paper.

For two decades economic globalism moved along at a reasonably steady pace. The tech boom of the nineties created more capacity to many developing countries while cheaper imports gave developed countries even more purchasing power. The next big event was commodity prices refueling global expansion with a lot of surplus cash, Along with other commodities oil went from $17 barrel to $60 in a couple of years, it`s now over $90. All the surplus cash was put into consumer hands with deep interest rate cuts. Today as the credit crunch has brought to light consumers are broke.

The amount of surplus cash is still on the rise and the name of the game is profit. The options are limited, reduce interest rates to put an already over spent consumer further under, not even much of a short term solution. Massive personal tax reductions which probably can only be just enough to keep most consumers heads above water, not a long term solution.

There has been quite a flight to cash, in the trillions with tens of trillions of global investment money at risk. The obvious and very probable viable investment vehicle as used countless times in history is war. Armaments, lots of profit in war but no one will win the next big one, no solution at all but it seems many would like to challenge history.

Global individual transportation system, short term positive effect and the long term solution. All the boxes have check marks.

War can be avoided by creating a better investment, it is possible. The following threads will tie it together.