A Human Future, Topics of Interest

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Location: Canada

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Jobs for generations.

Some comments released from the G-20 on growth in developing countries along with further discussion seized on currency manipulation has a few worrisome issues about whether the jobs issue can be solved by global growth based on developing growth.

Creating growth global will not come from developing growth as evident by the need for continuing stimulus in developed countries. While the export data out of Germany puts them in an enviable position the larger picture on developed growth is still dismal globally.

Not withstanding any value in commodity hedging the developed world is buckling under the pressure of exports from developing countries. The next global crisis could very well be a number of developing countries marginalized by a very few models flexible enough to stay out of trouble.

Even if there was success after what all call a prolonged period of unemployment this path leads to more than a generational issue.

We need jobs globally, not just developing countries and not just developed countries.

We need jobs that won't compete from country to country meaning every project must be in house. We need jobs that won't require extra consumer spending but less by transferring current expenditures.

We need jobs that will come from the trillions sitting in cash accounts looking for a viable long term investment.

We need jobs in developing countries that switch product demand from their current export development strategy to internal demand.

Peak oil, global warming, negative gridlock productivity and even parking space puts the writing on the wall, the car as we know it is sun setting.

If we were to start now we could create enough jobs in a fraction of the time of the current globalization plan target.


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