A Human Future, Topics of Interest

How to avoid the current global buildup of arms. We can feed the worlds hungry and more. Current active competition to develop a space elevator. Wernher Von Braun on the Mission to Mars.

Location: Canada

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Not the first time the people have run out of bread

Let them eat cake has morphed into don`t worry be happy, how far we`ve come.

The old global commerce system of cash and carry has morphed into todays borrow and buy.

The French revolution, the Great Depression and now, have a common thread, a lack of spending ability by the people. The great Depression lacked cash to buy while today lacks the credit to borrow and buy.
Not only has todays consumer over borrowed but global market wealth to the top consumers is evaporating.
It took a tax funded war to pull economies out of the trench in the 30`s so it seems very unreasonable to consider even the Obama $1T stimulus as more than a box of bandaids. Certainly it will slow down decent but unlikely to cause any assent until things turn globally. This is unlikely without WW3 increasing industrial production.

Muhammad Yunus, "We will create a new normalcy which will stay and keep on moving and change the world."

I would hope you try to find flaw in the foregoing then consider what needs to be done to turn the global economy around. Increasing industrial output, putting people back to work while creating new consumers through expanding industries. The current globalism model of expanding industry was based on global consumer consumption, now in retreat. A global maglev would create the demand to restart industry while creating new industry and consumers, on a very long term basis.
What if?
If you`re there try, why not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings Poppavox! I enjoy reading your ideas and explanations. I like your style-the time for gentle persuasion is over. Hopefully, the people with the power will begin to listen. Maybe when we react like those in Greece and France and Russia. Why don't we protest more, Poppavox? Comfortable in our 'things' and ignorance? Lazy? Haven't felt enough pain, yet? Well, I protest, being neither hindered with consumer goods or debt and having the willingness to overcome ignorance by being teachable. So, I miss your writing and conversation with the Comrades~on and off topic! Hopefully hear from you soon, Linda. (ps~ I tried to post & email you a few days ago but it got lost somewhere out there.)

6:55 AM  
Blogger voxpopuli said...

Hello Linda

Your email comes up as noreply-comment@blogger.com when you email or post directly to my blog. Your posts should be up on the blog, for that personal touch you would need to email direct to poppavox@yahoo.com.

"Maybe when we react like those in Greece and France and Russia. Why don't we protest more, Poppavox?"

economic conditions will force the changes required


7:58 AM  
Blogger voxpopuli said...

Hi Linda

Here`s another about economic conditions and change.

"Maybe when we react like those in Greece and France and Russia. Why don't we protest more, Poppavox?"

economic conditions will force the changes required
7:58 AM

Standing Committee on Finance testimony reveals the stimulus will create 120,000 jobs at a cost of $32B. Also revealed was the optimism from our fundamentals, low inflation and the employment numbers as well as consumer strength. The employment numbers look good because of very high levels of government hiring over the last 6 years. Not only was the windfall revenue from an expanding global economy used to increase government spending but we`re already in deficit over it. The Cdn consumer certainly is strong, out spend Americans last December. Added another $300B in debt, now totals a massive $1.3T.

So if Cdns not only spent cash over the last year of declining house sales, and borrowed and bought another $300B on credit, and it still didn`t keep our economy going, what`s another $32B in deficit spending going to do other than brighten GDP numbers?

On the speculative side the question of US stimulus affecting our economy positively omits the results of past stimulus and seems to totally ignore the needed increase in consumer based commerce to restore growth nationally and internationally.

Everyone by now must be wondering why no one is even talking about let alone have an estimate on how much consumer spending this `stimulus` or `recovery` plan will generate and that`s the key to promote corporate spending, and sustainable jobs.

For the bad news truth most have concluded times are unprecedented so economic predictions are wide range bound to multi-source estimates. btw we passed through the bottom end of last months predictions.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Robert! I only have a minute now but I'll be back. I watch CPAC a lot for the debates and the committee meetings. The points of order are most interesting-you really get to know your Rep's that way! If I ever need a lawyer, I would want Thomas Mulcair. He never flinches or lets go.

8:45 AM  
Blogger voxpopuli said...

Linda, lol how long does it take you to stop spinning after watching CPAC?

Mr. Mulcair asked some questions on the report presented to the Standing Committee on Finance. I was waiting to see if anyone asked how much influence $32B will have on the root cause of the problem, broke consumers. Obviously all the grandstanding had one purpose, to distract from the reason for deficit spending, not Cdns or jobs or turning the economy around but to prop up a broken system.

You would have my support with inviting Mr. Mulcair to this site. I have a wide range of international `what if` readers that he could explain any what if or why not he might like to share.


10:03 AM  

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