A Human Future, Topics of Interest

How to avoid the current global buildup of arms. We can feed the worlds hungry and more. Current active competition to develop a space elevator. Wernher Von Braun on the Mission to Mars.

Location: Canada

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Feeding The Worlds Hungry

This is such an easy thing to do the only reason I can think it hasn`t been done is the lack of jobs for a healthy global population. If we want to present an option to war as in a mag TT system then we`ll need a lot of healthy workers.

There are roughly 1 billion people that live on a dollar a day or less. Current global agriculture subsides run at close to $400b/year. I am not suggesting using subsidies to buy food for the hungry although it has merit.
If a 10th of 1% of the global economy were diverted to buy food prices for global producers would strengthen to the point where subsidies would no longer be necessary. Most global transactions pass through an institution. Each institution retains and diverts .1% of every transaction without any need to retain any other information and drop it into a global food fund. It will have no impact on inflation and once the alternative to war proceeds up to .5% could be diverted for heath and education. A workforce big enough, healthy enough and trained to put this project on the rail.


Blogger voxpopuli said...

By Leasa on 10.20.07 8:34 pm

I don’t have a Google account so I’ll leave a brief comment here. Since it’s on the topic of world hunger, I don’t think Garth will mind, if he does…sorry, that’s the best I could do. You’re idea has some merit, but, one thing we have to realize is that companies like Dole et el, run this world. We would need power houses like Canada & the U.S. come on board and see that countries that have slave wages (ie; no social safety nets) and pay their workers wages like .35 cents a day (China), $4. per day Peru, is in fact a huge subsidy for the governments of those countries and companies like Dole. If Canada, the U.S. and the European Union stood up and said, pay your people and provide working conditions on par with us or stop shipping, it would change over night. You would literally see the wealth of the people of these countries grow over night, and we’d all have a level playing field in commerce. L


8:06 PM  
Blogger voxpopuli said...

Leasa makes a good point on creating a level playing field however the intent is to feed the worlds hungry.

With a billion dollars a day injected into the purchasing power of the hungry supply and demand could conceivably create a level playing field. If not, first feed everyone then level the bumps in the field as required. ---vox

8:31 PM  

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